Exploring the struggles & joys of following God
Simplicity of the Gospel blog series
When we wait for God to be good, we can be confident that He will always come through. Because that’s within His very character, which never changes. It’s only when we try to define what ‘good’ means that we fail to see His goodness. God asks us to be still. To wait. To hope in His goodness. Not in the goodness we try to make. But His.
Let’s all face it, we all find our identity in something. And if you believe in God, it’s not necessarily in Him. Depending on how you view God, your identity could be in a number of other things. Do you believe God to be fully loving and good? What about all powerful? How you attribute each of these characters shapes what your relationship with Him looks like. And as His creation, who you are.
We all love something so much, it takes precedence over all else. Whether we think about it or not, we let that love influence every decision we make and it becomes what motivates us in how we live our life. It’s critical to take a step back and see what motivates us to do the things we do in our life.
We like to think of living a life devoted to God as “super Christian” sometimes. But the act of dying to ourselves and living to God is a crucial, foundational aspect of our relationship with Him. If we don’t live for Him, we live for others or ourselves. And we can trust that He will give us everything we need.
It’s a widely spread phrase in the church and yet so often misused and misunderstood. But fearing God is one of the core characteristics of being a Christian. And to miss it may mean we’re missing who God is and what He meant for our relationship with Him to look like.
It sounds so simple, right? To seek God, we must seek Him. What’s the catch? The catch is that we all typically have a predisposition to who God is. If God doesn’t fit into our definition of who we say He is, we declaratively say that He must not be trustworthy.
In our very individualistic society, we love to make everything about ourselves. Which is why living a Christian life is so controversial. Living a life that doesn’t start with living for ourselves sounds crazy. God created you in His image. Meaning, the more you know Him the more you’ll know yourself.

Jillian Kondamudi is a writer by night and Marketer by day. She currently resides in Seattle, WA with her husband Sunny and their two dogs, Maeve and Yoko. When she’s not writing, she’s mixing cuisines creating new recipes while winding down with some jazz music.